Time for your team to go back to the office after lockdown? 

Now more than ever, you need to consider, as a leader, how to create the most SERENE & EMPOWERING transition for your team. 

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Quickly learn how to organise a step-by-step Transition Workshop, based on neuroscience, to enable your team to:

  • Assimilate the lessons learned from the lockdown period,

  • Define its new normal,

  • Find serenity in coming back to the office.

How? by simply downloading our free and complete Guidebook. 

This Guidebook combines expertise in behavioral neuroscience, change management and workshop designs leveraging on space and movement. 

With this Guidebook, which is the result of 120 hours of work, you will get: 

  • 3 pages of neuroscience learnings to better support and understand what your team is going through

  • 5 pages of step-by-step instructions on how to organise a Transition Workshop for your team

  • 2 detailed blueprints to use as canvas for your bespoke Transition Workshop

Need support in designing your bespoke Transition Workshop? 

Get advice from our experts !

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Join our LinkedIn Group !

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